"PRF is a biological super serum that gives excellent results for building volume, for targeted rejuvenation, and even for restoring hair – it is so versatile!

The whipped cream on top is that we are using your own body's regenerative capabilities: we draw out growth factors, supercharge and precision-inject them to address specific concerns. And because it’s all you, there’s no chance of adverse reaction."

“PRF is the ultimate blood concentrate.”

Why Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)?

The benefits:

  • Increases collagen production.

  • Counteracts volume loss.

  • Fights wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Improves skin conditions like acne and rosacea.

  • Stimulates hair regrowth.

  • No additives or preservatives.

  • Minimal downtime.

EZGel PRF is a serum of growth factor proteins derived from your blood. We do a standard blood draw, spin the raw material at a gentle 6x G-force in a centrifuge, skim the magic off the top and then minimally process to prepare for injection.

  • In the centrifuge, your plasma clots into “fibrin,” which, when injected forms a nourishing scaffolding that slowly releases growth factor and cytokines. In technical terms, PRF is a wondrous compound of platelets, leukocytes and Mesenchimal stem cells.

  • Depending on the targeted area, PRF is administered via direct injection, microneedling, or micro-infusion.

  • Growth factor continues to be released for up to a month post-procedure. Depending on the targeted area and desired outcome, best outcomes require a series of treatments.

Interested in the science behind EZGel PRF? Learn more about it straight from the source!

Target areas:

  • Under-eye: banishes dark circles, tightens up crepey skin and dramatically improves volume loss.

  • Lips: this natural, more subtle intervention than lip filler can give you a plumper and healthier looking pout.

  • Skin texture: improves problems of blotchy tone and inconsistent texture that can result from conditions like rosacea and acne.

  • Decolleté: combats deep wrinkles and the ravages of sun damage dreaded “chicken neck.”

  • Hair restoration: sets your scalp’s natural processes back in motion. More information below!

Blood draw.



Interested in PRF therapy?

  • When addressing volume loss, PRF can be a fantastic alternative to traditional fillers and comes with many of the same benefits.

  • However, traditional fillers are compounds specifically engineered to fight volume loss, and may be the best choice when correcting for major deficiencies. PRF for volume loss can be a great option for patients who either aren’t quite ready for fillers, or who don’t need as dramatic an intervention.

  • Also, some patients just like the idea of using their own cells, rather than a synthetic alternative, in their quest for a fresher, more youthful look. Concerns about allergies or side effects from engineered compounds are valid reasons for choosing PRF, but some patients just plain prefer organic!

  • In some cases, a combination of fillers and PRF together can be a super powerful intervention. The best of both worlds!

Are PRF or fillers right for me?

“PRF can be a huge help for volume loss in much the same way as some of the more traditional fillers like Sculptra® and Radiesse® that I use. The right choice for you depends on a variety of factors, including the amount of volume loss, our overall treatment strategy, and even your preferences.

PRF for Hair Restoration

Our patients have seen dramatic and lasting results with PRF treatment for hair restoration.

By stimulating the scalp’s natural growth processes, PRF can actually stop moderate to severe hair loss in its tracks. With as few as four treatments, we’ve seen patients completely regain more youthful heads of hair.

Results have been excellent for both male and female patients, whether hair loss is due to natural aging processes, hormonal changes—such as typical male-pattern baldness—or was caused by other factors, such a sudden illness.

“Trident” tool used for PRF hair restoration injections.